HEALTH-SRI LANKA: Stick to Generic Names or Face Jail Doctors Told

Feizal Samath

COLOMBO, Feb 1 2008 (IPS) – Sri Lankan doctors and patients rights groups have rarely seen eye-to-eye on the global debate over costly branded drugs against cheap generics, but they are coming together against a new rule that requires doctors to use only generic names on their prescriptions or face jail.
The Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC), in a strong reaction to threats from Health Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva to jail doctors who do not stick to generic names, to the exclusion of brands, said in a statement: There are many crimes that may need imprisonment but this does not warrant such punishment. It is very unlikely that a minister of health in a civilised country would castigate doctors in this manner. #39 #39

According to the SLMC governing bo…

UGANDA: “God Should Be So Kind That I Can Have Contraceptives”

Kwamboka Oyaro

NAIROBI, Apr 10 2008 (IPS) – For many of Africa s women, getting access to family planning services is difficult at the best of times. When war intervenes they can find themselves without any services at all, even as they become more vulnerable to sexual violence the situation in northern Uganda being a case in point.
A long-running conflict in this region has pitted the Lord s Resistance Army (LRA) against government forces. The rebels, led by Joseph Kony, claim to be fighting for a government based on the Biblical Ten Commandments, but have become notorious for rights abuses that include the use of children as soldiers, sex slaves and porters.

While an initial ceasefire in the 20-year war was reached in 2006, a final peace agreement remains elusive. K…

CUBA: Sexual Diversity – the Rainbow Revolution

Dalia Acosta

HAVANA, May 21 2008 (IPS) – Nearly 50 years after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, sexual minorities are at last beginning to feel that their voice is being heard and that they can finally take their place in the movement towards a more just and inclusive society.
I always wanted to be a part of all this. I can t remember how many times I told my mother: I m going to make it work; I m going to make the revolution, Mónica, a young Cuban woman who held a symbolic wedding with her partner Elizabeth in December, in the inner courtyard of the governmental National Centre for Sex Education (CENESEX), told IPS.

Meanwhile, Danilo Rivero, who travelled 100 kilometres to attend the celebration in Havana of the International Day against Homophobia and Transpho…

HEALTH-SOUTH AFRICA: Free To Go Where I Like – Life Outside a Psychiatric Hospital

Kathryn Strachan

JOHANNESBURG, Jun 18 2008 (IPS) – The wind has picked up and blows the sand, swirling in patterns, across the dirt roads and barren yards of Madadeni township. It batters relentlessly against the walls of Joseph Gumede s* iron shack, rattling the windows, and he has to raise his voice to be heard above the din. But sheltered from the dust storm. Joseph feels that he has at last found his way home.
Joseph was one of the first patients to be sent home under South Africa s fledgling programme to move long-term psychiatric patients out of hospital and into the community. Madadeni Hospital, which lies in the bleak flat expanse outside the industrial town of Newcastle in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, was chosen as one of two pilot sites to test the policy of deins…

DEVELOPMENT: Africa Still Hampered by Lack of Geographical Data

Miriam Mannak

CAPE TOWN, Aug 27 2008 (IPS) – Geographic Information Systems (GIS) could play a vital role in improving agriculture and boosting food security in Africa. However, only a few African countries are capable of developing such systems, partly because of a lack of basic geographical data.
This arose during the third Map Africa conference, which took place in the South African city of Cape Town from August 25 to 26.

The conference revolved around geographical information technology systems, which are computer applications that capture, store, analyse, manage, present, monitor and visualise spatial information that is linked to a geographical location.

A GIS is therefore often associated with an interactive map, which combines tabular data, such as fig…

HEALTH: The Global Killer You Never Heard Of

Wolfgang Kerler

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 24 2008 (IPS) – Although a safe and effective vaccine has been available for eight years now, 1.6 million people still die from pneumococcal diseases every year, making it the number one vaccine-preventable cause of death worldwide. More than half of the victims are children.
Tiemany Diarra waits by her daughter s bedside in a hospital in Bamako, Mali. The day after this photo was taken, 3-year-old Patrice lost her fight with …</p></div></div><div id=

ZIMBABWE: Negotiations Must Move “Outside the Box”

Ali Gharib

WASHINGTON, Dec 18 2008 (IPS) – With talks between Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and his opposition yielding few resolutions to the political deadlock, some observers are calling for outside-the-box thinking beyond the parametres laid out in negotiations.
A power-sharing deal in Zimbabwe is unlikely and bound to fail, said a new report released this week on the Southern African nation s continuing political uncertainty and growing humanitarian crisis.

The report from the International Crisis Group (ICG), an organisation dedicated to preventing and resolving deadly conflicts, called for an abandonment of the Global Political Agreement (GPA) signed by the opposing parties on Sep. 11, which has not yet restored political order.

No new power-shari…

ENVIRONMENT-CHILE: Nobody Is Predicting Cleaner Air for Santiago

Daniela Estrada* – Tierramérica

SANTIAGO, Mar 20 2009 (IPS) – Olivia González has been a schoolteacher for 30 years in Cerro Navia, one of the districts in the Chilean capital with the highest concentration of air pollution between April and August. A first-hand witness to its effects on health, she is pessimistic about the air she ll breathe this coming southern hemisphere winter.
The dangerous haze that envelopes Santiago. Credit: Photo Stock

The dangerous haze that envelopes Santiago. Credit: Photo Stock

Every year, the students in the municipal school where I work come down with …

HEALTH-LATIN AMERICA: Dengue Spreading and Increasingly Lethal

Marcela Valente* – Tierramérica

BUENOS AIRES, Apr 21 2009 (IPS) – The population s susceptibility to suffering more severe forms of dengue is worrying health experts, as the epidemic in South America expands in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay.
The Aedes aegypti mosquito feeding on human blood. Credit: Public domain

The Aedes aegypti mosquito feeding on human blood. Credit: Public domain

Dengue is a viral illness that manifests itself in different ways for each person, and can be much more severe for some than others, depending on risk factors. The biggest danger, say expe…

HEALTH: Voices of Alarm and Moderation at WHO Meet

Gustavo Capdevila

GENEVA, May 18 2009 (IPS) – World Health Organisation (WHO) Director General Margaret Chan issued a warning about the danger posed by the H1N1 flu epidemic, while health ministers from several countries recommended avoiding excesses when it came to remarks about a potential pandemic.
This virus may have given us a grace period, but we do not know how long this grace period will last. No one can say whether this is just the calm before the storm, Chang told health ministers and other representatives of the WHO s 193 member states at the inauguration of the 62nd session of the World Health Assembly in Geneva.

Chang s tone contrasted with the position taken by the ministers of Brazil, the United Kingdom and Japan, who called for maintaining the current…